Last week was INCREDIBLE! I felt so free every day not having to think about the dreaded question: “what’s for supper?”
So let’s give it another go this week, shall we? As before, I will provide a skeleton meal plan for the week now, and flesh it out as I come up with the details:
Monday: Beef Stew with home-baked Ciabatta
Had to switch around the days because it turned out I was out last night at our shul’s gala dinner (whoopeee) and I didn’t want to miss BEEF STEW NIGHT. I didn’t have the fish fillets I’d planned for Tuesday night, but I did have some puff pastry squares that we hadn’t used for Shabbos desserts… so:
Monday: Creamy corn & potto soup, creamy salmon puff pastries, home-baked Ciabatta (mmm…)
Tuesday (Ted’s late day): Creamy corn & potato soup, pan-fried fish, plain rice and…?
Tuesday (Ted’s late day): Beef Stew with home-baked Rosemary Focaccia. Oy, was it nice having the beef stew AND the bread pre-made. All I had to do was toss the bread in the oven to bake and the stew on the burner to come to a boil.
Wednesday: Pressure cooker sausage risotto
Thursday: Vegan Vursday! Beanie burgers
Here goes…
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