So what’s up for this coming week, foodwise…?
As we head into the home stretch towards Pesach, I used up some chometz today in the form of FLOUR, transforming it into two batches of easy peasy no-knead dough (one rye, one white)! Now all I have to do is figure out two meals which include these two batches of delicious homemade bread… shouldn’t be too tough!
As always, I reserve the right to flesh out / change these plans as I see fit!!!
Monday: Easy lasagna, homemade bread
Tuesday (Ted’s late day, Parks & Rec reg a.m.): Hmm… I’m still in a meatballs mood; maybe meatballs and mashed potatoes? Because we’re having pasta tonight.
Wednesday (more Parks & Rec reg a.m.): Fish nite (Ted wants fish & chips; I dunno) Oooh! Inspired by other MPM mamas, maybe I’ll make Teriyaki Salmon!!!
Thursday (Ted’s off day, Vegan Vursday): Rye bread, pea soup, beanie burgers…?
Friday (Shabbos): Out at people’s house who we don’t know all that well…
And there we go; it took a while, but we’re DONE for another week!!!
Remember: you can always visit THIS comprehensive list of all the suppers so far to see what all the things are that we eat. I hope it will inspire somebody to get cooking! (maybe me)
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