We attended the Members-Only Stingray Bay event last year and enjoyed it greatly. This year, we are members again, and I was excited to find out that the sharks and ttingrays [doh! even the cranky lady makes a typo now and then!] are coming back for another summer.
However, while last year's event was on a Friday afternoon (I believe), this year, it's being held on Wednesday and Thursday, May 19th and 20th, which happen to coincide with the Jewish festival of Shavuot. During the holiday, we are forbidden to travel, and occupied with religious responsibilities which preclude a trip to the zoo.
I'm hoping we can arrange another "free preview" for our family at some point when the exhibit is officially open, since we will be unable to participate in the official event this time around.
Thank you!
p.s. We’ll see what they say. The last time I tried to “Jew the zoo” was about a decade ago, when the free Boxing Day event was held on a Saturday. They agreed to send free passes VERY reluctantly if I put my request in writing (which I did; before email, I used to send actual letters, and still do sometimes). They actually told me that if they acknowledged everybody’s religious peccadilloes (okay, that’s my word), they would have to offer free passes to Muslims for Fridays, Jews for Saturdays, some Christians for Sundays, etc. To which I was like, “so?” I mean, how many Sabbath-observant people are there here? And why can’t everybody who requests them on religious grounds be accomodated graciously – without a kvetch in return???
p.p.s. Patting live stingrays – how cool is that?
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