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Pesach / Passover 5771 Homeschool Resources Roundup

image I will update this page as I create or find excellent Pesach resources!  And scroll down for my own special, ongoing personal Pesach project….

image To begin with, on my own site…

Videos of various kinds:

  • Fun free all-Hebrew Pesach video with Tom and his robot Moby (or is it the other way around?) from Brainpop.
  • Fun Matzah documentary – with puppets!
  • imageWatch Martha Stewart mispronounce Streit’s a million times and announce that Matzah comes from a Hebrew word meaning “matzah” in this amusing matzah factory tour.

Around the web – mostly printables:

  • Amy Scheinerman’s Haggadah – some Hebrew text with easy English explanations – looks like a good starting point!
  • Complete Ashkenazi Haggadah text – no English, but useful for copying and pasting into your own things (that’s what I’ve been doing all night!)
  • Very nicely laid out in DOC form all-Hebrew Haggadah.
  • Customs and Laws of Chodesh Nissan and Pesach – it’s only 12 pages, unlike some of the “booklets” (some are full haggadahs, upwards of 100 pages) – useful for a K/Gr 1-2 level.
  • More detailed Customs and Laws of Chodesh Nissan and Pesach – a bit longer (50 pages) – appropriate for Grade 1-3ish.
  • Introduction to Teaching Pesach seven simple lessons including sample scripts of the story if you’re new to teaching Pesach or just don’t know how to introduce it.
  • imageEasy attractive printable Omer Counter for kids to mark off days – squares look big enough to use a bingo marker.  Yay, we love bingo markers!
  • Several nice lapbook mini-book components, including Hebrews in Egypt and Birth of Moses.  (This is a Christian site, but these two resources look okay.)
  • Pesach “Taboo” game – clues in transliterated Hebrew, and some are weird, but I have printed these on cardstock and think it should liven up a Pesach meal here and there.  We like Taboo!  (warning:  fairly high-level… this is for the teeny-boppers, but there is a blank page you could print multiple copies of instead and make your own cards!)  (you can see where I’ve written in translations so my mother, sisters and Ted can hopefully play along)

 cards 008 cards 009

  • imageHow cute is this???  A FREE how-to-draw Pesach cartoons book from beloved (though not usually by me) illustrator David Sokoloff!  I think I will replace our Draw-Write-Now lessons for the next two weeks with some cute talking matzahs and kiddush cups!  There’s also a general Jewish Cartoons how-to-draw book, if you like this format.
  • Great big 20-page Pesach colouring book from Tzivos Hashem (aka Chabad)… the pictures are a bit dated, but it’s VERY comprehensive, with all-English explanatory text (here’s a link to the same colouring book in Hebrew).
  • More to come!!!

Speaking of which… can you guess from this series of pictures what my ongoing project is for this month???

image image image image image image image image image

(If you want a PDF of these pages, please email me)

My printables download links:

  • General Studies printables, in English and Hebrew, click here.
  • For Limudei Kodesh (Jewish Studies) printables, click here.

  • Comments

    1. Good stuff! Did you see the fun bubble wrap omer counter over on also? Much as I like the bubble wrap, though, I think the concept might be better accomplished for the 3yo with stickers. Definitely using the chart you have linked up - it's perfect!

    2. Saw it. Stickers is good, too. I like bingo markers. Frankly, anything that gets me to actually DO it this year. Maybe an Advent-style calendar where you get a piece of chocolate behind every one of 50 doors!!!


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