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Teen Tasks

Printed on strips, folded and stuck in a hat.  I’ll cross them off as they get done!

Hanging coats at bottom of stairs – check if they fit anybody, if not VV, if yes, clean by vacking or brushing the pockets. Put some away in laundry room. Keep out coats for spring & summer.

Downstairs fridge / freezer: sort contents (keep, throw away, containers to be washed). Wipe down outside, inside freezer. Replace “keep” contents. Rinse WELL all containers and bring to kitchen.

Upstairs front door closet. Clean out coats by vacking or brushing the pockets, clean shelves and floor. Put winter clothes in laundry room. Keep coats for spring & summer.

Tidy & organize bookshelf in upstairs hallway. Make sure no books have crumbs in them. This is an easy job, so I will add another: Tidy & organize parsha sheets. Sort into appropriate binders.

Blank job. You are Mommy’s favourite and you always have been! Mwah! I love you!!! <3

Sofa: pulling out cushions & thoroughly vacking every which way. Pull it out and wash floor around, beside.

Diningroom table and chairs: bleachy scrub top, sides, bottom, legs. Vacking on the chairs and especially the area at the back of the chair that traps schmutz.

Mantel. Remove & rehome all objects that do not bless our home and living space with peace and beauty. Have no mercy – remove almost ALL things. Dust and bleachy wipe down, especially the phone and place where the challah board lives.  Done by EC on Monday - * see pic below!

Clean Abba’s bookshelf. Parsha sheets task must be done first, so put this task back in the hat if it hasn’t been. Remove books, dust and bleachy wipe shelves. Put back books but leave off everything that has to do with food, including serviettes and benchers.

The car! This is a 2-kid task. Vacking inside and out. Wipe down all surfaces with a damp cloth, including dashboard, gearshift and anywhere drinks etc have been. There should be no residue and gunk. Careful attention to door wells and places people literally store food.

Upstairs fridge. sort contents (keep, throw away, containers to be washed). Bleachy wipe very, VERY well throughout. Rehome most “keep” contents to basement fridge. Rinse WELL all containers and leave in kitchen.

Upstairs freezer. sort contents (keep, throw away, containers to be washed). Bleachy wipe very, VERY well throughout. Special attention to crumb catcher at front. Rehome “keep” contents to basement freezer. Rinse WELL all containers and leave in kitchen.

High chair and booster seats. There is a second booster seat in the basement that needs cleaning as well. Take outside if possible, use hose if you want to. Scrub well, checking cracks and places chometz hides. For high chair, thoroughly scrub legs and base.  Done by YM on Monday!

Kitchen Tops & Outs: top of fridge, top of pantry, top of pareve counter. Rehome objects to basement hiding places. Scrub surfaces thoroughly. Clean outside of pantry, outside of fridge, outside of pareve counter.

Write astonishing, insightful dvar Torah for the seder. Put this task back in the hat after you have drawn it. There is no maximum shiur for wonderful divrei Torah.

Write astonishing, insightful dvar Torah for the seder. Put this task back in the hat after you have drawn it. There is no maximum shiur for wonderful divrei Torah.

mantel 021

Notes to self:

  • batteries and used compact fluorescent lightbulbs are not chometz, but this is still the time of year to figure out where the heck they should go so they’re not cluttering up the #$!^ place…


  1. I don't have any teens but great idea! I will have to make up some age appropriate tasks for my younger kids and try it.


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