Please daven for Shmuel Asher ben haRav Pesah Esther.
With the photos we sent the other day, I had Ted draw a cartoon of Sam himself in superhero getup. I think it turned out great! Of course, Ted had no idea why I wanted to take a picture of the picture, given that it was printed from the very computer where I now sit and type this.
But to me, there’s something REAL about a photograph that you don’t get from a JPG.
So here it is – real as all get out. I packed the cartoon between two pieces of cardstock for safekeeping, then got scared that they’d think it was JUST blank cardstock, so I wrote “open me” or something stupid on both sides of the cardstock. Wish I’d included a frame, but that would cost way too much to mail.
And THEN… well, I opened up First Language Lessons, our grammar book, and in a perfect confluence of the stars, our “lesson” for the day was to address an envelope! How perfect is that? However, Naomi refused to use the WI postal abbreviation for Wisconsin. I think it was just so exotic and wonderful, sending off a package to a faraway land. (the last time she had to write out her address, I had her do it on a small envelope and tucked in a secret message for her; then, we timed how long it took to get from the mailbox a block away to our house – 2 days!)
Anyway, here’s her envelope – I think she did a great job!
(We actually only have about 13 FLL lessons left and then we are “graduating” to Book 2!!!)
Anyway, Sam’s ima-on-the-bima says he doesn’t really need more packages right now (now she tells me!). But if you want to help their hospital, the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, here is a great list of ideas. There’s also a wish list at the Ronald McDonald House where they’re being hosted. She has a few other suggestions for how you can help as well…
So that’s how one little Canadian homeschooler is reaching out this week…
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