I’m getting a lot of visits directed from the blog “inquiringsoul.blogspot.com”. I’m totally curious and would love an invitation, as blogger is telling me right now that it’s blocked and I need an invitation from the blog author.
Or maybe I just hate feeling like there’s a party online that I’m being left out from.
Somebody, please, invite me! :-)))
(some of us might be fascinated to know that 2.5% of all visitors arriving from a search engine have apparently searched for “hebrew word for transporter pronunciation”… well, I’m sorry to say, you won’t find it here!)
(or “vileda bee mop instructions,” another 2.5%)
I am proud to report that the TOP search is now NOT “windows live photo gallery vs picasa,” as it was previously, but…
“adventures in mama land”
Yes, that’s right. I may not have any actual fame and fortune, but at a respectable 7.5% of all search-engine-directed visits, this means people are actually out there LOOKING FOR MY BLOG. Creepy.
Though I guess reading blog stats at midnight trumps that creepiness. Bed; now.
It's me! The googling, or part of it. I'm used to having everything historied in my browser, so now when I read stuff at work I just google it. I guess I could type in the URL...