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Homeschool Sick Day & Easy Potluck Rice

DSC08294Hope you clicked here expecting to find out how us homeschool mamas deal with a sick day because here’s the fun part… we DON’T!  Or at least, I don’t.

Ted had to work, as usual, and honestly, I wasn’t feeling too terrible when he went out this morning.  To be fair, I was curled up in bed at the time… who has time for symptoms when they’re peacefully dozing? 

My throat did hurt all night, but I can live with that.  The rest kind of crept up on me over the course of a busy day and now I am woozy, achey and my throat hurts like crazy.  Hoping this ibuprofen will kick in soon!

But enough kvetching, because the good thing is – I don’t have to cook (for tonight, at least)!  Yay!

We’re invited to a neighbourhood kabbalas Shabbos and potluck in honour of Shlomo Carlbach’s yahrzeit.  It is graciously hosted by friends who expanded their home a couple of years ago so they can accomodate a 40+-person crowd. 

They’ve had a few (four?) potlucks so far, and although I made quiches for the first one, ever since I have made this oven-fried rice, based loosely on a recipe I found a million years ago in The Pleasures of your Food Processor. (even the name is dated)

Easy, easy, and it multiplies and divides like a dream, depending on how many people you’re serving.

DSC08293Oven-Fried Rice for 40ish


  • 4 cups rice
  • 2 blocks extra-firm tofu (mine were 350g each) (optional, but this really makes it a complete meal!)
  • 2 tins “Chinese” mixed vegetables, drained, reserve liquid
  • 2 tins mushrooms (pieces and stems), drained, reserve liquid
  • 1 tin baby corn (cut up if it’s in big pieces)
  • 1 cup oil
  • 1 cup soy sauce (tonight, I used a 50/50 mix of low-salt and Shoyu)
  • 8 tablespoons onion soup mix powder
  • Reserved liquid from veggies plus water to make 8 cups


  1. Preheat oven to 350°-375°.
  2. Dump rice into large roasting pan (support on bottom with a cookie sheet so it’s easier to carry.
  3. Chop tofu, if using, into rectangular pieces and add to rice.
  4. Add tinned vegetables and mushrooms and stir until evenly distributed.
  5. Add oil & soy sauce
  6. Sprinkle with onion soup mix powder
  7. Add ALL liquid (8 cups’ worth, or a  little more to ensure tender rice)
  8. Stir all ingredients well until evenly distributed.
  9. Bake 1 hour or until rice is tender.  Stir halfway through baking time to ensure even cooking.
  10. Transport to potluck supper in kiddie wagon (the most important step!)… remember to bring serving pieces so your hosts aren’t left scrambling!

Eek – must get cooking!!!  Good Shabbos!


  1. I hope you're feeling better and that you had a chance to rest up over Shabbat.

    Refuah shlaimah and shavua tov!

  2. I made this for shabbos and it was so yummy! thanks!


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