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Homeschool Diary #6: 8 Kislev, 5771


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Hey – it’s Monday! A new week in homeschooling… maybe it’s the Rebbe Nachman (Breslov) brunch I went to yesterday, but for some reason, I feel like it’s a gift.

Lately, I’ve been struggling with the fact that no two weeks are alike, because of Ted’s varying days off, late days, and other challenges with the older kids’ schedule. I keep thinking that if I can just get a grip on things, have a couple of “normal” weeks, maybe I’ll be able to cope.

But at the brunch, they gave out a bookmark that really made me think. It says, “The Architect of the world never does the same thing twice. Every day is an entirely new creation. Take as much as you can from what each new day has to offer.”

Basic stuff, I know. But comforting. This helps me see that there will probably never be a NORMAL week… because Hashem does it that way on purpose, to keep us skipping the rope, week after week after week, rising to His new challenges. If they were the same challenges, well, what fun would that be?

So here’s our schedule for this week… with the normal amount of playing by ear, of course.

Oh - if you haven’t seen this month’s Jewish homeschooling blog carnival yet, please check it out!!!


  • Finished reading Charlotte’s Web!!! And it only took us about 3 weeks, as compared to 3 months for Little House on the Prairie! What’s next? Probably puddle around with fables etc before digging into another chapter. I bought a few little books at Value Village yesterday, so maybe we’ll work our way through those.
  • Began watching Charlotte’s Web (1972 animated version)


  • Morning:
    • Swimming (worked with Naomi while GZ had his lesson; coloured and read him a book during hers – all while schvitzing in the muggy swimming pool observation area)
    • Hebrew Reading/Writing: continue with Kriyah v’Od/קריאה ועוד (Migdalor)
    • Continue Telling Time with the Judy Clock
  • Afternoon (earlyish nap bc of ballet!):
    • Outdoor time! Park walkies with Elisheva (not me, just the kids!)
    • Math: rods only – symmetry, staircases, making tens, and 2-d pattern-colouring (no Miquon, no writing!)
  • Evening
    • Ballet class
    • Continue watching Charlotte’s Web


  • Morning
    • My aerobics class cancelled! Whatever will we do???
    • Reading practice (one old, one new Bob Book)
    • Handwriting Without Tears: Letters and Numbers for Me
    • Phonics: Explode the Code
    • Grocery store, then home…
  • Afternoon
    • Science: Frogs reading
    • Hebrew/writing: Frogs poem & copywork
    • Science: Prepare for Wednesday’s insect workshop in some meaningful way? Or not!

Wednesday – Field trip to Butterfly Conservatory!


  • Morning: (must decide whether we’re going to the BRCD drop-in)
    • Reading practice (one old, one new Bob Book)
    • Math: Miquon Orange & rods (maybe – her numbers are improving, so we’ll see…)
    • Parsha reading and narrative / overview
  • Afternoon:
    • Outdoor time!
    • Science: frogs reading and worksheet/activity


  • Morning
    • Parsha Review
    • Parsha Narration & illustration
    • Gdcast parsha video (reward for the narration)

Resources we’re enjoying this week!

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My own homemade printables!


So, nu…? What’s YOUR Jewish homeschool family up to this week???

p.s. To subscribe only to Homeschool Diary and not the rest of my blog, try plugging this address into your blog reader:

(let me know if it works!!!)


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