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Jewish Homeschooling Blog Carnival #2: Kislev 1, 5771

Welcome to the Rosh Chodesh Kislev (slightly late) edition #2 of the Jewish Homeschooling Blog Carnival.   I am so excited to be doing this once again!  If I missed your blog, I’m sorry… please submit your blog and I’ll catch you the next round!

Here’s the first edition (Cheshvan), in case you missed it.  And now, onwards and upwards to Edition the Deux:

everyday at home

How to juggle a range of ages in your homeschool setting?  Mommzy at Our Jewish Homeschool Blog gets top billing in every way for her great tips and tricks in Homeschooling with a bunch of little ones.

Beth at Upper West Side Mom presents her Fall Leaves Garland project, saying, "I'm just a home school wannabe at this point but this project is fun and educational."   Sounds good to me!

Even homeschoolers have to eat!  Ilysse of Heymish Education has a second blog for food (hey, don’t we all?) and offers a brand-new “BBQ” take on the tofu stir-fry at Barbecue Tofu Skillet.

She may not technically be a homeschooler, but Creative Jewish Mom offers the perfect solution for those long, dull wintry days:  The Real Mr. Potato Head.  She’s got lots of Jewish holiday crafts and other things crafty as well!

And every homeschooling family loves bargains, right?  Try Mara’s site, Kosher on a Budget.  This week, she’s turned up a great deal for stocking the homeschool games cabinet in Toys R Us:  Buy 7 Board Games for just $13. (a deal I probably can’t get, living in Canada and all…)

What do you do when kids’ “help” around the house is not quite up to your standards?  Avivah at Oceans of Joy answers that question from her considerable experience in When kids help and aren’t such a help :).

Okay, this is pushing it, but I can’t help myself.  It’s not Jewish, it’s not even a blog… but it IS homeschooling at its finest.  What kids wouldn’t want to “Make Poo” for science class???  We are planning a unit on digestion later on this year:  do I dare go this far with my kids?

our week in jewish homeschooling

Do you plan your homeschooling week by week?  Or journal about it when the week is over?  Either way, link your weekly homeschool “diary” to the comments section of my own Jewish Homeschool Diary, right here at Adventures in MamaLand.  (I’m trying to post my diaries early in the week, but it’s a challenge…bear with me!!!)

Kerith of Learning Al Pi Darko discovers that even if the week begins on a crummy note (stomach bug), it can still end up being a busy, happy and productive time for all concerned in The Week in Review.  (plus, lots of little tidbits about how she manages with four homeschoolers!)

Michelle of Lionden Landing reflects on keeping order for her little homeschooler even during a crazy-busy week in her weekly Homeschool Diary.

teach me torah

Mommzy at Our Jewish Homeschool Blog, who never ceases to amaze me with her dedication and resilience, proves that creativity respects no normal boundaries of time of day or conventional craft materials when it comes to Parsha Arts'n Crafts.

Leigh Ann, The Frugal Ima (who also happens to be a rabbi), blogs about Frugal Jewish Education: Using the iTunes store to build your Jewish music library.

If you’ve heard of Room 613 and wondered what it’s about (I know I have), Elana Horwitz presents 613: What's this Room? posted at Morah Elana's Room, saying, "Teaching Jewish homeschoolers online...a breathtaking journey!"

Can’t let you guys go without giving a shout out to, well, me.  I have been writing Parsha Poems and other, miscellaneous, parsha resources every week since July and I think they’re mostly pretty good.  I’ve also been putting out a ton of homeschool printables, Jewish, Hebrew and otherwise.  Help yourself – and I’d love feedback if you do use them.  The Internet can be a quiet, lonely place sometimes.

Amy Meltzer of Homeshuling asks, “Parsha for kids - got any leads?” (here are Part 1 & Part 2)… and talks about the difficulty of finding truly excellent parsha resources.  What are you using to teach parsha in your homeschool?  Surely we homeschool parents can come up with some suggestions…?

around the web

Let’s support our own!    A couple of Jewish homeschool blogs have been nominated for Homeschool Blog Awards.  Stop by their blogs to learn how to vote them into the lead!

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of jewish homeschooling blog carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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  1. Such great resources here! Hey, is it okay for non-homeschoolers to submit ideas too? My son is in gan but I do a lot of pre-literacy Hebrew things with him, since the Hebrew he does in gan is geared towards English-speakers. I also try to do some parashah and holiday activities. Nothing as intense or regular as I'd be doing as a homeschooler, so I completely understand if you want to restrict it to real homeschoolers.

  2. Absolutely okay! Unless you shut them in a box the second they walk through the door, all kids are homeschooled to some extent. :-)))
    See here for more details.

  3. Thanks so much for linking to my potato head project and my blog in general! You're right, technically speaking I'm not a home schooler, but we sure do a lot of learning at home, and I hope to keep doing more thanks to some great inspiration from the real home schoolers!

  4. thanks so much! what a great post!

  5. How cool ... thanks so much for the mention! I find your blog so inspiring, even tho we don't HS, so this is really an honor!

  6. Thanks for posting my cooking blog. I love all these resourses. Thanks for doing it!

  7. anyone have a good chanukkiyah making project for 5 year olds?


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