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Kosher Cooking Carnival – the Av (Love) edition

Once again, I’ve been selected as the lucky host blogger for the Av (August 1, 2011) edition of kosher cooking carnival-kcc, a monthly round-up of kosher cooking ideas, eats and – who can resist? – treats!

The special thing about this edition, however, is that it’s LATE!  The Three Weeks are traditionally a less-than-fortuitous time for the Jewish people, and this Jewish blogger ushered the season in with a bike accident & broken ankle.  So that’s my excuse!

image I like a theme – who doesn’t?  But it’s hard to come up with one for a month whose most significant date is one in which we go WITHOUT food.  That said, there’s another date in Av - “Tu b’Av” (ט"ו באב), the 15th of Av, traditionally seen as an auspicious date for shidduchim and love matches of all kinds.

Sort of like a Jewish Valentine’s Day – but you didn’t hear that from me.  So:  love, love, love… falling in love with food, all over again.  Ketubahs and Croissants, as it were. 

Anyway, that’s enough from me:  let’s see what you-all have got for us this month!

anything kosher!

image Nothing says lovin’ like a zucchini!  Hmm.  Well, isn’t YOUR garden or local farmer’s market overflowing with fabulous zucchini?  You could make zuke bread, or fry them, or bread them, or stuff them… or shred them for a really unique Marinated Zucchini Salad, presented by Rivki Locker at Kosher Cooking for Ordinary People.

Looking for more salad ideas?  You can find a whole bunch of them rounded up from the bloggy world, in Simple Summer Salads from Leora over at Here in HP.

What do halvah and high school reunions have in common?  Go ask Mirjam Weiss, or read Unique over at her blog, Miriyummy!

image Sharon A presents Summer in the Shuk « The Real Jerusalem Streets posted at The Real Jerusalem Streets's Blog, saying, "Nothing like the food in Machane Yehuda market for Balabusta.”  A great street festival, and a beautiful reflection on Jerusalem past and present.

image Batya presents Eating Kosher on The Go, JFK Airport posted at me-ander.  (Not the most positive food experience of all time… she’s NOT “lovin’ it!”)

Mrs. S. presents The oleh’s folly posted at Our Shiputzim: A Work In Progress.  How did she come into a bread machine, and what does she do with it?   Stop by and find out!

By the way, if you’re in the Baltimore area, Avivah’s making aliyah – and selling off her pantry contents!  Check out Cleaning Out the Pantry at her blog, Oceans of Joy, for reasonable prices on bulk foods – and help support a great family as they resettle in Israel.


image Mirjam Weiss presents Sweet Summer posted at Miriyummy, saying, "Summer is here!"  Scroll down for her special Creamsicle Ice Cream (pareve or dairy versions).

Looking for a special treat to woo a certain kosher someone?  Look no further than last month’s host, Yosefa (hey, that’s MY Hebrew name, too!) at Cooking Outside the Box, for Reduced-Fat Mini Cherry Pies!

imageIf you’re feeling inspired, you could always take a professional KOSHER baking course at the Centre for Kosher Culinary Arts… next summer.  I’m afraid you’ve missed the boat for this year.  Drat:  I think I could definitely fall in love with A Summer Filled With Pastry!!!

Have you ever wondered which pareve milk was best to use for a sauce, a drink, a dessert?  You’ll love this Pareve Milk Comparison from the experts at the Gourmet Kosher Cooking blog!  Readers are also welcome to leave questions in the comments section, and the blog writers seem very good about answering them.

Every day meals

image  Unless you homeschool (ha ha ha ha), fall will soon be upon us, and for many of us that means PACKING LUNCHES.  Lunches that are nut-free and delicious but stay fresh in punishing backpack conditions.  Tiffany over at FrugalGourmetMom has some great ideas in her post Back to School Lunch Planning… and she invites you to add yours!

Lisa Rose presents Quick Homemade Nutella – Just Three Ingredients! (Dairy-Free) posted at Real Food Digest.  Mmm… chocolate!

phyllis presents Reap What You Sow: Basil into Pesto posted at Ima on (and off) the Bimah.   (p.s.  I tried pesto for the first time at Shavuot… and LOVED it!  We have since harvested our “pesto bush” again and made more!  I really ought to freeze it – even if I don’t have beautiful ice-cube trays like Phyllis does)

And… to welcome us all to the Nine Days (no meat, no wine – what’s a gourmet to do?), there’s a 'Nine Days' Vegetarian Tortilla Soup from Liz Kratz over at Classically KosherimageYou can also find some yummy suggestions for Nine Days dining over at Gourmet Kosher Cooking.


Yisrael Medad presents This Post is Not Kosher posted at My Right Word, saying, "This is such a non-kosher story"

What happens when a caterer makes false kosher claims???  Not exactly a blog post, but I researched & wrote it myself and you can read all about it in the Canadian Jewish News.

image Shabbat and Holiday food

imageIt’s always fun to find a new challah recipe!  Well, I found one that sounded a bit more fun than it actually was… but we have been enjoying it every week, sharing it with friends and family, and getting rave reviews.  I posted about it over at my (now sort of infrequent) bread blog, Adventures in Breadland.  (p.s.  this is a NO-KNEAD challah recipe – save yourself all that work in the summertime!)

 Annette Berlin presents Sweet Applesauce Noodle Kugel posted at Craft Stew, saying, "Sweet Applesauce Noodle Kugel is a yummy side dish, that is quick and easy to throw together."

Don’t feel like cooking for a summer Shabbos?  How about a Big Hunk o’ Beef for Shabbos, from my very own blog???  It was my first time making this, but it won’t be the last.  Make it overnight anytime and stick it in the fridge.  You won’t heat up your house (we especially won’t, because the crock pot is in the basement), and you can use up some of that disgusting Pesach Coke.  Doesn’t everybody have lots of that sitting around all year, like we do?

image Restaurant or Cookbook Reviews

My favourite kosher restaurant here in Toronto – for a date or otherwise – is Bistro Grande on Eglinton.  It’s dairy, which may come as a surprise, because usually people think fleishik when they think swanky, but it’s got nice-enough atmosphere, great service (wow!), and the food really is yummy.

Heading to New York?  I did last summer, and ended up eating mediocre kosher Indian food.  Wish I’d had these two reviews by sensible-food maven Batya, freshly returned to Israel after a brief stay stateside.  image What’s she got for us over at her blog,  me-ander?

image I just hope you’re not reading this post on Tisha b’Av!

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of kosher cooking carnival-kcc using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Stay cool… and Happy Tu b’Av when it gets here, everybody!


  1. Wonderful job, and thanks for the link!

  2. Yum! What a tasty edition. Thanks for linking to my salads.

  3. Thanks so much for including me! Good thing I posted my "Guest Worthy Wednesday" recipe yesterday, just in the nick of time! Great KCC!

  4. Absolutely brilliant presentation! I love it, so love-ly! Thanks for including my two links. And thanks for focusing on the sweetest day in Av.

  5. A great post! Thank you so very much for including me in the Carnival. I'm sorry to hear about your foot and wish you a quick and easy recovery!

  6. Refuah Shelaimah to you and your ankle! Great edition and thank you so much for including my mini pies and picture! I meant to submit a review I did of two J'lem restaurants. I hope you'll forgive me if I include a link. It's in the Center Jlem, called Gabriella and it is SO yummy, I'm in love! It's dairy and fish, so good for this week, and perfect for the Tu B'Av date! Have an easy fast, to all!

  7. I see I made it. Thanks. And thanks for hosting the KCC.

  8. You did a wonderful job. I finally sent out notices to the jbloggers, so you should be seeing more action. thanks so much

  9. Great job! Glad you liked Summer in the Shuk, but really who likes food and doesn't like the shuk?

  10. Thanks for the roundup (and for including me!). That pareve milk listing looks especially helpful. Thank you!!

  11. Can't wait to check out all the links! Thanks for including me.
    WIshing you a speedy recovery!!


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