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Mega-Massive Chanukah 2015 Roundup: 17 FREE & More Essential Family Resources


Yes, Chanukah is sneaking up on us SOOoooon! It’s early this year, so I wanted to jump right in and share this list of resources that I’ve created and shared.  Some are geared towards homeschoolers, but most are great for any family to share.

Most are free, but my books (print & Kindle) and lapbooks are not. 

I hope you’ll check them all out!image  If you find something useful, leave a comment or share the link to this page to help others out.

FREE Resources & Ideas for Chanukah learning & fun for the whole family:

  1. Chanukah Family Song Book (with links to tunes!)
  2. Chanukah copywork and Activity Pack
  3. Chanukah Family Science Project:  Oil, Water, Fire & Ice
  4. “Parsha” Poem for Chanukah (to read aloud together)
  5. Menorah in a Box (original craft idea)
  6. Chodesh Kislev (craft idea)
  7. Melted Wax & Oil “stained glass” Painting (craft idea)
  8. Nine Cool Lessons in Chanukah Fun Colouring Book (by me, and it’s free to download!) (see more pictures & details on this page)
  9. Printable Chanukah colouring pages and activities (by my friend, illustrator Ann Koffsky)
  10. Chanukah picture-book reviews & recommendations (from my writers’ blog)

Books, Lapbook and MORE!

  1. No Santa!   – (chapter book) Miles has gone along with his parents’ growing interest in Jewish observance – until this year, when his mother declares that this is the year there will be “No Santa!”
  2. Now You Know: Hanukkah for Kids – a fun & user-friendly introduction to Chanukah.  Great for kids and families with little or no Jewish background, but with more than enough accuracy & detail for religious families as well.
  3. Jewish Festival of Lights Lapbook (here are some close-up pictures of the lapbook as completed).  Designed to work with Now You Know: Hanukkah for Kids, this lapbook is accurate and complete, and lots of fun for kids and families to learn through together.
  4. Around the Jewish Year: Jewish Calendar Lapbook – includes information about Chanukah along with all the other holidays and fascinating background information on the Jewish calendar itself.
  5. Chanukah Monsters – Incredibly cute monsters get a little too rambunctious around the candles.  Will they manage to avert disaster?
  6. One Chanukah Night – For slightly older kids: Sammy comes face-to-face with history and discovers his own connection with the stories of the Tanach.
  7. Four Little Jewish Holiday Books - An adorable collection of four mini-book readers, for toddlers or early readers, for four separate Jewish holidays:  Chanukah, Rosh Hashanah, Shavuot and… um, I forget which one?
  8. Laugh Out Loud Hanukkah – 100 of the funnest jokes out there, just for Chanukah!  (only 99 cents)

Here are links to some of my external resources.  I really hope these are helpful to you.  And as always, let me know what you’d like to see in the future!

Books (through Amazon/Kindle):


Lapbooks & More (through CurrClick):

Chanukah Lapbook Cover smallChanukah Family Booklet 2011 small coverTINYchanmoncolbook_coverJewish Year Lapbook CurrClick1
Happy, happy Chanukah!

Tzivia / צִיבְיָה


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